The Jaguar programs on this page have been developed using Roine Stenberg's Jaguar Server and 42Bastian Schick's BJL-Kit !
Schematic of the Atari Jaguar (860 KB)
How to do the BJL-modification
Information about the BJL-Loader
The 50Hz/60Hz-Switch:
Remove a possible prsent 0-Ohm-Resistor at position R140 and solder the two wires coming from the switch to the solder-pads.
A link to Informations about my Ethernet/FLASH-card project on AtariAge.
Some stuff about the JagLink device
Informations about the usage of the AnalogDigital-input of the Jaguar
Some (outdated) info about The Jaguar Engine, an enhancement of the Jaguar with an IDE- and two PS/2-ports and the familiar TOS-operating system.
Clicks! is a puzzle-game for the Jaguar.
"Double Feature #1" combines the two strategy games Reversi and ConnectThem.
Availabe on CD
and on the Impulse X Cartridge.
Impulse X is a Breakout-like game.
Available on CD and Cartridge:
A Marble Madness-clone, with again improved character-set.
April 19, 1998: Now with "simple" NTSC-support!
Pictures are on the Lynx page.
Jagmania is a PACMANIA-Clone with 32 different mazes.
It is possible to save the highscore list on the EEPROM of a cartridge.
Load the latest version of my game JAGMANIA (Just 102 KB)!
April 18, 1998: Now with "simple" NTSC-support!
January 3, 2001: Integrated the MOD-player by Sinister
WinFLASH is a Windows-program to utilize Atari's FLASH-card.
11. January 2007:
Here is the Sourcecode of my BJL-Version of the CD-encryption program.
4. January 2007:
I have altered my BJL-version of the CD-encryption program in that way, that in now runs from CD!
After starting the program from CD you can open the Jaguar-CD-player and insert the CD you want to encrypt.
ZIP-archives (each about 2.3 MB) of the CD-tracks or complete CD-images in several versions can be downloaded here:
The necessary driver software and an adapted version of the ChrY-program (mouse connected to port 2): COLMOUSE.ZIP (Only 4 KB)!
20060226: Two new demo-programs for mice and RotaryControllers including sourcecode:
![]() With TwoMice you can test your digital mouse at Port2, the sourcecode contains a detailed description of the userinterface. Updated 20071230: Enhanced the interrupt-handling. |
![]() OneAxis is derived from TwoMice, it is quite optimized and evaluates only the data of one axis. |
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The wiring is much simpler:
The program-archive JPTEST2.ZIP is about 62 KB.
The DevPac-sourcecode-archive for the old version TEAMTAP.ZIP is about 16 KB (no images included).
The DevPac-sourcecode-archive for the new version is about 284 KB (but all pictures are included).
This program shows which buttons on which joypad is depressed. A depressed button will be marked in green on the Joypad-image and the used TeamTap-port is marked, too. If a joypad is directly connected to the Jaguar it will be shown as connected via Port A of a TeamTap.
Updated on August 15, 2001:
Can now show simultaneously depressed keys! Also shows the ControllerType-bits C1, C2 and C3 of each port!
The programarchive INTROPTF.ZIP is about 76 KB.
This program exchanges the image of the Jaguar's head on the spinning cube of the intro-sequenz.
A 64*64 16bit-Pixel CRY-file (-->8192 Bytes) is used as input.
The program JAG2CARD makes it possible to load JAG-files from a FLASH- or EPROM-card.
Nat!´s Jaguar Programs - Takes you to Nat! & Klaus neat Jaguar programming utilities (mirrored site).
The Jaguar Underground Documentation - Takes you to Nat!'s excellent technical docs for Jaguar hackers. (mirrored site)
Copyright © 1996-2013 Matthias Domin
Changed on April 20, 2014 at 6:42pm